Custody for Fathers
Many people have a misconception that fathers are disfavored as custodial parents and that somehow mothers have an advantage with the Courts in securing custody and substantial parenting time. The case law in California refutes this notion.
The Courts are required to make custody and visitation decisions based on the best interest of a child irrespective of the sex of a parent. The Courts focus on the nature and length of contact between the parents and the child, health, safety and welfare of the child, history of drug or alcohol abuse and history of domestic violence and numerous other factors. The Courts tend to establish parenting plans that favor frequent and continuing contact of the child with each parent. A father can be just as or more capable as a mother of providing a nurturing, loving and safe environment for a child. This office has assisted numerous fathers in securing custody and substantial parenting time with the children and will represent your interests aggressively.
Call Yana Berrier at (530) 674-2258 for a consultation.